As of September 28th 2021, British motorists driving outside the UK are required to remove old-style GB stickers or cover them up.
Instead, they should display a UK sticker or have the UK identifier on their number plates. New guidance from the UK government is a significant change for drivers who frequently take their cars outside the UK.
Any driver with a GB sticker on their car now needs to replace it with a new UK one. Number plates featuring the blue band and letters ‘GB’ next to the European golden stars are no longer valid.
Failure to comply with these new rules could result in penalties, which are likely to vary. Halfords has warned that drivers who fail to display their UK badges could be refused entry to certain countries.
Drivers must take the necessary steps to ensure that their vehicles are properly identified when driving outside the UK. It may involve purchasing a new UK sticker, but it’s a small price to pay and avoid any issues.
Sticker rules
According to government guidelines anyone planning to drive outside the UK now needs to show a UK symbol. Clearly display UK sticker on the rear of your vehicle if your number plate has any of the following:
• a GB identifier with the Union flag
• a Euro symbol
• a national flag of England, Scotland or Wales
• numbers and letters only – no flag or identifier
Anyone with a number plate that includes the UK identifier with the Union flag, doesn’t need a UK sticker.
The guidelines add: “If you’re in Spain, Cyprus or Malta, you must display a UK sticker. Does not matter what is on your number plate.
“You do not need a UK sticker or number plate to drive in Ireland.”
UK Car Sticker Size
Firstly, be sure you have the correct size of number plate.
According to the official size, a number plate should be around 18cm wide and 13cm tall.
However, some suppliers may sell smaller number plates in an attempt to make them less noticeable on the car. While these smaller plates may be more aesthetically pleasing. They are not legally allowed and you could potentially be fined if caught by law enforcement.
In some countries like Spain, Malta, and Cyprus, even having a smaller number plate sticker is not allowed. You must have a full-sized sticker. Best to use the correct size of number plate no matter where you are driving.
Where to stick a UK car sticker?
Secondly, make sure that your UK sticker is clearly visible to following vehicles. This means that it should not be obstructed by any overhanging objects or other obstructions.
Towing a caravan or boat, it is also necessary to have a UK sticker on these vehicles.
One option for displaying your UK sticker (adhesive sticker) is to place it on the rear window, as they are easily removable without damaging the paintwork.
Alternatively, you can use a magnetic UK plate for a quick and easy way to display your plate. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that you are in compliance with the laws of the country you are driving in.
Where Can I Buy a UK magnetic Car Sticker?
Global Bigo is a manufacturer and seller of magnetic car stickers. You can easily and safety order the sticker in our shop at
Do I need a UK Sticker?
The answer is: YES
If you’re planning on driving outside of the UK, it’s important to make sure you have the right stickers on your car. In Cyprus, Malta, and Spain, you’ll need a full size adhesive or magnetic sticker in addition to your UK number plate stickers.
In other European countries, you have the option of just using the UK number plate stickers, but it’s important to have at least one type of UK sticker displayed on your car.
It’s up to you to decide which option is best for your needs, but it’s important to make sure you comply with the local regulations wherever you’re driving.